
Nicholas Henkel receives Graduate Research Award for 2022

Ph.D. student Nicholas Henkel is one of the 10 students who recently received the Graduate Research Award for 2022

Research Article Published in Hepatology

M.D./Ph.D. student Justin Creeden recently published an article in Hepatology.

Khaled Alganem and William Ryan receive Class of 2022 Graduate Student Awards

Ph.D. student Khaled Alganem and Master’s student William Ryan are among the COMLS Class of 2022 Graduate Awardees

Rawan Alnafisah Writes Column in Toledo Blade

Ph.D. student Rawan Alnafisah wrote a column in the Toledo Blade

Dr. Ali Imami is Awarded Scholarship to Attend Conference on Genome Informatics

Dr. Ali Imami is awarded scholarship to attend conference on Genome Informatics. Ali was one of only ten outstanding graduate students …

Research Article Featured by Nature Communication Biology

Dr. Robert McCullumsmith, Chair of the Department of Neurosciences, and Ph.D. candidate Khaled Alganem (pictured) recently published an …

Dr. Sinead O’Donovan Serves as a Reviewer for NIMH

Dr. Sinead O’Donovan to serve as early career reviewer for National Institute of Mental Health

2021 Awards for Grantsmanship Announced at The University of Toledo

Dr. Robert McCullumsmith Receives an Award for Grantsmanship

Dr. Ali Imami Receives University Fellowship

Dr. Ali Imami Receives University Fellowship at The University of Toledo

CDRL Bioinformatics Hackathon 2021

CDRL Bioinformatics Hackathon 2021 Landing Page